Friday, March 13, 2015

Patriots continued success means more chaos for the rest of the AFC East

This has been an eventful first few days of free agency to say the least. Blockbuster trades, surprising signings and interesting coaching decisions have highlighted a number of moves that could change some of the landscape of the NFL. One thing, however, that most likely wont change, is the dominance of the Defending Champion New England Patriots over the AFC EAST. This is because, even though the Jets, Bills and Fins have significantly upgraded, while some could say that the Pats took a step back losing their starting CBs, the Pats still have number 12 behind center while the Bills and Jets are scrambling to find a guy, and the Fins are just keeping their fingers crossed that they did find the guy.

We are aware that the Bills resigned Hughes and got Shady and everything looks promising in Buffalo. We do also realize that they also signed Matt Cassel who, I dont think is the second coming of Mr. Kelly. Their defense was dominant last year, no question, however, their offense is still shaky a little bit and without an answer at QB, they will continue to chase the Pats and Brady.

The Jets made a few great moves to bolster their secondary (Sometimes I am not sure if the Jets realize there are other positions on the field other than cornerback.) Either way, signing Revis and the infamous father who can't name his own children, Cromartie, as well as Buster Skrine, the Jets have a great, lockdown group. In a passing league, this is always helpful. Getting B.Marsh is a big upgrade too, however, same situation with the Bills, without having a QB that can get him the ball, they will continue to be the rabbit that is chasing the carrot (The Pats)

The Fins (my team, and I am trying to not be biased here) did a great job of signing SUH, a corner from the Steelers in Brice McCain as well as Jordan Cameron to beef up their offense. As recently as 10 miuntes ago, they just traded for, in my opinion, a STUD WR from the Saints Kenny Stills. Even with all that $$$ they spend and the moves they made, their biggest bank roll is whether or not Ryan Tannehill is going to be the guy they can ride for the next 10 years. If he is, they are in a prime place to overtake the Pats, if hes not, then the fins are going to be at the bottom of the AFC East for years to come!

Bottom line, the Jets, Bills and Fins have done a lot to help their chances to dethrone the Pats this season. With the Brady/Belichick combo still pumping out division titles and Super Bowls with almost what sometimes seems to be makeshift rosters, these 3 wanna be champs will continue to be looking up at the greatest Player/Head Coach combo ever...maybe in any sport! (Topic for another day)

1 comment:

  1. The real question is, will Tom Brady survive the season? If I was NE my only focus right now would be making sure my Oline was completely on point. We know how nasty the Bills Defense is and the addition of Rex will only take them to another level. Rex always had great schemes against the Pats and never had the talent the Bills have. Now a head coach, Todd Bowles was the best defensive coordinator in the NFL before making the jump. He will find ways to get to Brady and lastly the Phins with the signing of Suh and Wake already on the roster will breath fire down Bradys spine. Pats need to make sure that line is top notch or Brady could be in trouble. If Phins, Jets, and Bills defenses are not all ranked in the top 10 this year I would be shocked...
