Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Why the Bills made a WRONG choice at head coach

To me, as a fan of a rival team in the AFC East (Dolphins) who are, by no means an organization that exemplifies how to pick a head coach, I believe that the Buffalo Bills made a poor decision by hiring Sexy Rexy Ryan for their head coach.

1st-Rex is a proven defensive mind who guided the Jets to 2 AFC Championship games. Other than that, he did nothing to help the development of Mark Sanchez and Geno Smith. This is reason 1 why the Bills made a bad choice, his inability to develop a QB, who we've concluded, is by far the most important player on a football team, and by far the position that the Bills need help with the most

2nd- The Bills had a top 5 defense last year under Jim Schwartz who did an amazing job. By hiring a defensive minded HC, who 100% will be calling the defensive plays, what does that do to not only the psyche of Schwartz, but also his desire to WANT to stay? Why would the Bills hire a coach who knows little to nothing about offense, when that is exactly what they need? The Bills were already in perfect position defensively to continue to have success, yet they decided to change things up by hiring Rex...By the way, he will be implementing his 3-4 defense as well so Mario has to change positions again.

3- To me, this hire shows me something...The Bills are interested in selling tickets and being talked about, instead of winning and being relevant. If they had waited, done their homework and gotten a HC who knows how to develop and work with a QB, that would have been the ideal situation. Their defense would be in place with Schwartz and the HC could focus a lot of his time on developing Manuel and whoever else they draft/bring in.

Finally, Rex will sell tickets and put the Bills on Sportscenter no doubt, but the 9-7, 8-8 seasons are going to continue until they bring someone in who can help their team find the next Jim Kelly.


  1. I stumbled upon this site while killing time at work. A few things here, it is clear you are not a bills fan, because your bias is undeniable. Your hatred of rex here leads me to believe you are either a pats fan or a phins fan, but that doesn't make sense because it seems like you are also a thunder fan. That is neither here nor there, ever think rex will leave qb development to the OC? This is what he tried to do in NY, but he had a inefficient one there, and has a good one in Thurman. Second you talk about how the bills are only interested selling tickets not doing their homework and hiring a good coach, maybe you should do your homework and realize that JIM SCHWARTZ DOES NOT WORK FOR THE BILLS ANYMORE, before devoting a third of your article to his relationship with Rex. Also who says Mario will have to change positions again, maybe they dont bring back hughes, or maybe they do and have him play the LB position. This article is so biased and poorly written that if this were a newspaper I would call your editor and have him fire you. Go Bills, and f off Joey DiPerna.

  2. It's easy to see the original message was written by a Dolphins fan (and so is this if you can't tell!) but the Bills rhetoric that oozes from your comment clearly shows where the bias lies on your side of things. Still, your point is taken. Schwartz is gone. Mario will fit in fine in a 3-4. But QB development remains to be seen. Good luck with Cassel and EJ! Not a lot to talk about there, eh? Although, I gotta say your prospects look a better with Incognito blocking for him. Wish we had that guy back!

    I caught this while browsing the dolphins blogosphere. Can never pass up some good Bills-Dolphins banter! I got your back Joey DiPerna!

  3. Oh the author is a phins fan? Why is he writing articles saying he is a thunder fan too then? That doesn't make sense. If he is from Miami (you would have to be to willingly wear teal in public as a man) wouldn't he write about the heat? I am admittedly a bills fan, which is why I found this article so maddening. I feel badly about saying f off Joey DiPerna, for all I know he could be a 6 year old kid. (And based on this article I would guess he probably is)
