Here we go again! Tebow is back in the headlines as the Philadelphia Eagles have signed him to a one year deal. The media, for whatever reason, loves this guy and is salivating at the opportunity to fit "tebowing" into their morning/nightly news. The true sports fan and knowledgeable football fan doesn't understand why he keeps getting "one more shot."

Don't get me wrong, he seems like a good dude and I wouldn't mind sharing a beer with him, if God lets him, but he has far outstayed his welcome in the NFL. Tebow seems like that weird uncle that shows up once a year at a family picnic and its just awkward because you don't really have anything to say to him, but you have to say hi because your mom just pinched you and said "Go say hello to your uncle! Yes, he has a certain moxy about him that teams might gravitate towards, but how many more chances is this guy going to get? He got drafted by the Broncos (chance 1) and it didn't work. He was traded to the Jets (chance 2) and saw less time on the field than the long snapper. He then was signed by the Pats (chance 3. If Bill Belichick can't find a way to utilize him, not sure who can) and he didn't even make the 53 man roster. This is now his 4th...I repeat FORTH chance in the NFL. It is insane that people are saying today "its good that he gets one more chance." How many chances is he going to get? He couldn't even beat out Marc Sanchez in NY.

If you really think about it, Tebow is a pretty selfish NFL hopeful. We see year after year college QB's tell teams that they will do anything to make a team and play wherever is needed. Denard Robinson, Julian Edelman and others were college QB's and are now playing well at other positions. Tebow has stood firm with the notion that "I am going to do whatever it takes to play QB in the NFL." As admirable as that is, hes just not good at QB. Tebow has never said he'll do whatever is necessary to help his TEAM be successful, he continues to say he wants to be an NFL Quarterback and he is going to do whatever it takes to prove people wrong. That is not a great mentality when it comes to a team game, especially if you are horrible at said position. He is almost dismissing the opportunity to help a team win to push his own agenda.
I don't want to speak for others, but my dislike for Tebow is primarily based on the fact that no other NFL player has ever gotten this much attention for being so irrelevant on the field. His faith and charisma is what the media and others eat up. People that know nothing about Football know Tim Tebow. He's no doubt a polarizing figure socially, and he can move forward with his life being in the social spotlight. A former NFL player who had the mental fortitude and drive to make it all the way to the NFL when everyone told him he couldn't. Disney can't wait to write a movie about! Hell, Tebow can act in it himself and start his next career to try to get an Academy Award!

As of right now, he's 0-3 with 3 strikeouts in the NFL. One more and he will not only have the golden sombrero, he might not have any more at bats in the NFL, and ya know what, he doesn't deserve any more!
My guess is Tebow is cut before training camp starts.